Tuesday, March 23, 2010

nameless poems


hot stained cigarette breath lingering, panting, over off -white french sheets
soiled, shining

the walls ears are bleeding, deep black and burgundies, loyal cockerspaniel blooded, deep collared
small painted toes
pink ribbons...

Hell is when the music stops, or when the swelling cuts deep oxygen from my lungs ,
crystalling arteries
when the right chord strikes my lips

cupids poisoned arrows, dripping honey and turpentine

Death in finite
the people, the relationships are temporary
your skinned mother, your reptilian, touched..
brushed my nose, spined
morningstarred haunches, swells, chokes, gags..
almost curdles the spoils

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

love is...

a hideous display of wings and claw, rotted down to its haunches;
 the hot spit of cerebus,
 wagging tail of a dog-god
decomposed prose, a crown of thorn and wire
you are the disease, spread through blood and bone

Monday, March 15, 2010


i am a fledgling among thorns .

i cant even remember the original dose.  but i know I'm your placebo for her stronger medicine

Thursday, March 4, 2010


its a shame that the scar healed before you could rip the rest of me apart
your leaving is draining, draining, that bud of inspiration, you cut it at the root so it can no longer breathe,
it looks at me
and gasps for breath
i lay my hands on it and bury its body beneath the soil