the hospital and its familiar sounds
electric moans , disembodied humming
a white throne of sterilized sheets, a dribbling head turns to the linoleum ceiling, analyzing the imperfections, medication lazily flowing,ebbing along the intricate network of plastic veins
a bleached hell, incubating delicate bodies,
birthing corpses to centerpiece nauseating bouquets
to satisfy suffering, or provoke abandon
an explanation
when i was young and tasted anticipation, it was like a honey stuck to my throat
sordid realization and a quick change of clothes,
the summer of 1999 was the closest I have ever come to hell
at it’s doorstep, bloodied up lips filthy hands rubbed deep into my cotton dress
we mimicked each other like children, wandering around the wreckage of trees and skeletal structures
each afternoon his hand wandered a little closer to the honey, and it was boiling
hot painted cheeks, burning tears, summer skin
the devil was wearing a warm smile, his hands were similar to those of my father’s,
my fate forgets his face in the shadow of the sun that muffled my horror
the call never came, the numbers were scratched off the face and the cord was cut
I remember the question clearly, “ Are you good with god”
faith has always been my black hole, I listen in on the tapped wires gratified by your rejection of christian guilt and rehearsed atheism, clarified by dissociative braying resembling prayer.
for hours I listened, the wires were open to the air, allowing any kind of divine interjection to redeem my interest, not a single miracle even dared to breach the surface and show face
dial tones like a monotone disembodied answering service, there is comfort in prayer? there is comfort in a fulfilled prescription
a slow clot,
you called to her, but she was already up to her neck
these side effects, they arent working, i thought this was some kind of promise
rejection is a liar’s aphrodiasic
you were soft and tired
they are gnawing gnawing gnawing, contained chaos, exhuberent black shells, beetle nails
you become stark and ancient
bare your teeth to the gods
i cannot hold my head above the water when you gnaw through
the head turns, the clock sporadic with the truth
van goghs ear, hears the earth’s claws coiling, boiling
an old grin, dusted from the bowels of our closets
housing skeletons, bleached sheets
she was wearing a pink dress, blood flowers, the shadows of the branches on her brow
“ i heard them tearing”, the wolves
they sing in an old tongue
i cant hear them in your bed,
your walls are to busy talking,
behind eyelids, not quite soiled with dreams yet
they hollow out lullabies with their rotted claws
‘wake up, look behind you”